
Disclosure for Sima Fun


Welcome to Sima Fun’s travel blog, where I share my travel experiences, interesting adventures, hotel reviews, and visits to tourist attractions. At Sima Fun, we believe in exploring the world, one adventure at a time!

Contact Information

For any inquiries or support, please feel free to reach out to us at wudi@simafun.com.

Affiliation and Sponsorship

It is important to note that Sima Fun may receive compensation or benefits from certain companies mentioned or affiliated with our website. These affiliations may influence the content, reviews, and recommendations provided on the site.


At Sima Fun, we value transparency and honesty, and we are committed to providing accurate and unbiased information to our readers and followers. Our goal is to share our genuine travel experiences and insights so that you can make informed decisions based on your personal preferences and needs.

Editorial Control

While Sima Fun strives to present reliable and up-to-date information, it is essential to note that the travel industry is constantly evolving. Therefore, certain details such as hotel availability, attraction status, or travel regulations may change over time. We make every effort to verify information before publishing, but we encourage our readers to independently confirm any important details for their own peace of mind.

Reviews and Recommendations

The hotel reviews, tourist attraction visits, and adventure experiences shared on Sima Fun’s travel blog are based on our personal opinions and experiences. However, individual experiences may vary, and we cannot guarantee the same outcome for every reader. It is advisable to consider multiple sources and reviews before making your own travel decisions.

Affiliate Links and Advertising

Sima Fun may participate in various affiliate marketing programs, which means we may earn a commission from qualifying purchases made through the affiliate links provided on the website. These commissions help support the maintenance and operation costs of our blog.

User Responsibility

When visiting Sima Fun’s website and using the information provided, it is important to remember that the ultimate responsibility for your travel plans and decisions lies with you, the user. We encourage our readers to exercise caution, conduct their own research, and carefully evaluate their choices to ensure a safe and enjoyable travel experience.

Consent to Policy

By using and accessing Sima Fun’s website, you hereby acknowledge and agree to the terms and conditions stated in this disclosure. If you do not agree with any part of this policy, please refrain from using our website.

Last updated: [insert date of last update]