“The Great Canadian Winter: A Journey Through Nature’s Finest in Vancouver” is a captivating video by Lost LeBlanc, featuring stunning shots from their day out with a drone. The video showcases the beauty of Vancouver’s winter landscape, with frost-covered surroundings and a frozen pond. The narrator also shares personal anecdotes, including an elephant-related injury and the experience of flying a drone. The video concludes with a recommendation to visit Vancouver for its breathtaking forests, mountains, and wildlife. Overall, it’s a visually captivating and informative exploration of nature’s wonders in Canada’s winter paradise.

In the video, Lost LeBlanc also promises to post a Snapchat Q&A and a full video from their Asian travel highlight reel. The friendly and engaging tone of the narration, combined with the visually stunning footage, makes this video a must-watch for nature enthusiasts and travel lovers alike.

The Great Canadian Winter: A Journey Through Nature’s Finest in Vancouver

Introduction to Vancouver’s winter beauty

Vancouver, Canada is not only known for its stunning landscapes and vibrant city life during the warmer months but also for its exceptional winter beauty. The city transforms into a winter wonderland, offering a plethora of enchanting experiences and breathtaking scenery. From exploring frost-covered landscapes to engaging in outdoor activities, Vancouver’s winter offers an opportunity for visitors and locals alike to appreciate nature’s finest.

Exploring the frost and snow in Vancouver

One of the most enchanting aspects of Vancouver’s winter is the presence of frost and occasional snowfalls. Waking up to a world covered in delicate frost creates a magical atmosphere, with sparkling crystals glistening in the sunlight. While Vancouver doesn’t experience heavy snowfall like other parts of Canada, the sight of snowflakes delicately falling from the sky is a rare and captivating experience.

Locals in Vancouver have grown accustomed to the cold weather, gracefully adapting to its presence. They embrace the rare occurrences of snow and frost, often venturing out to enjoy the beauty of their surroundings. Whether it’s strolling through frost-covered parks or capturing the perfect photograph of a snow-dusted mountain, Vancouver residents know how to make the most of the wintry conditions.

Ice hockey on frozen ponds

When temperatures drop low enough and ponds freeze over, Vancouverites eagerly take to the ice for a game of ice hockey. Playing hockey outdoors on frozen ponds is a cherished tradition in Canada, and Vancouver is no exception. Locals, young and old, gather with friends and family to lace up their skates and engage in friendly competition. The frozen ponds become vibrant hubs of activity, filled with laughter, cheers, and the distinct sounds of hockey sticks hitting pucks.

Running in the cold

Despite the chilly temperatures, the spirit of outdoor activities thrives in Vancouver’s winter. Running enthusiasts don their warmest gear and hit the trails, determined to maintain their fitness routines. Running in the cold offers a unique experience, with crisp air filling the lungs and the city enveloped in a peaceful stillness. While challenges such as numb fingers and toes may arise, the invigorating feeling of conquering a run in the winter cold is immensely satisfying.

To make the most of running in winter, it’s essential to dress appropriately. Layering clothing is key to stay warm while allowing for breathability. Wearing moisture-wicking fabrics and utilizing accessories such as gloves, hats, and face masks can significantly enhance comfort during a winter run. It’s important to take precautions, such as warming up before running and staying hydrated, to ensure a safe and enjoyable experience.

Elephant-related injury

During a visit to the Elephant Jungle Sanctuary, a memorable encounter with two elephants resulted in an unexpected injury. The force of being caught between the massive animals left a lingering pain between the ribs. Despite the casual nature of the pain, it persisted over time, interfering with daily life. This unique elephant-related injury serves as a reminder of the unpredictable encounters that can occur during adventures in nature.

Transporting the Christmas tree

Transporting a Christmas tree is a joyful part of the holiday season. Borrowing his mother’s well-traveled van, the author embarks on a sentimental journey to the graveyard where previous trees found their final resting place. Memories of past camping trips flood the author’s mind as he lovingly places the Christmas tree in the van. The well-worn vehicle carries years of cherished moments, making it the perfect companion for this seasonal tradition.

Drone shots of Vancouver’s stunning scenery

Utilizing a drone, the author captures awe-inspiring footage of Vancouver’s natural beauty. Soaring above the treetops, the drone reveals the breathtaking forests, majestic mountains, and diverse wildlife that characterize the region. With each shot, the immense beauty of Vancouver is showcased, leaving viewers in awe of the region’s unparalleled landscapes.

Meeting with a companion in a beautiful location

Arranging a meet-up with a companion, the author experiences the stunning surroundings of Vancouver together. The beauty of the location amplifies the joy of the reunion, providing a picturesque backdrop for shared experiences and the creation of lasting memories. Immersed in nature’s splendor, the meeting serves as a testament to the power of friendship and the beauty that can be found in Vancouver’s winter landscape.

Cracking ice incident with the drone

While capturing drone footage, a group of curious onlookers gathers to observe the live feed from the drone. The excitement of the moment is abruptly interrupted when the ice beneath the spectators begins to crack. The tension in the air is palpable as everyone frantically moves away from the unstable surface. Thankfully, no one falls through the ice, but the incident serves as a reminder of the importance of staying cautious and alert while exploring frozen environments.

Finding a spot for a Q&A session

Creating an engaging Q&A session with his Snapchat followers, the author seeks out a picturesque spot to film the screen and respond to questions. The hunt leads to the discovery of a hidden location where no one has ventured before. Embracing the spirit of adventure, the author and his assistant set up their equipment, ready to engage with the online community within the awe-inspiring backdrop of Vancouver’s untouched beauty.

Encounter with a heron

While immersed in the Q&A session, a chance encounter with a majestic heron occurs. The bird, known for its impressive wingspan, provides an enthralling spectacle. The author takes a moment to appreciate the beauty of this magnificent creature and captures the moment, forever preserving it as a testament to the unexpected delights that can be encountered when exploring nature.

Sunset over Vancouver

As the day winds down, the spectacular sunset graces the sky of Vancouver. The vibrant colors illuminate the landscape, casting a warm glow over the city. This natural phenomenon serves as a reminder of the immense beauty that can be found in both the grand and subtle moments of winter in Vancouver.

Enjoying sushi in White Rock

After a day filled with adventure and exploration, the author and his companion head to Sushi Mori in White Rock, a beloved location for sushi enthusiasts. The delightful flavors of Japanese cuisine combined with the stunning views of White Rock create a truly memorable dining experience. With satisfied taste buds and content hearts, the evening draws to a close, leaving a lasting impression of the joy that can be found in sharing a meal with loved ones.

Learning Japanese phrases

As the article concludes, the author shares a snippet of knowledge by introducing a Japanese phrase. Domo arigato, meaning ”thank you” in Japanese, serves as a reminder to appreciate the experiences encountered during the Great Canadian Winter journey. Learning phrases from different cultures allows for a deeper connection with the world and a broader understanding of the diverse communities that inhabit it.


Vancouver’s winter beauty is a testament to the extraordinary wonders nature has to offer. From the magical frost-covered mornings to the excitement of playing ice hockey on frozen ponds, Vancouver’s winter provides a rich canvas for unforgettable experiences. Through running in the cold, encountering unexpected injuries, and transporting Christmas trees in dear-to-heart vans, this season in Vancouver is filled with warmth, adventure, and cherished memories. Drone shots capture the breathtaking scenery, a companion adds joy to beautiful locations, and chance encounters with herons remind us of the wonders of nature. As the sun sets over Vancouver, the journey concludes with a sushi dinner and a lesson in Japanese phrases, emphasizing the importance of gratitude and cultural appreciation. The Great Canadian Winter in Vancouver invites all to immerse themselves in the unparalleled beauty of this exceptional season and create memories that will last a lifetime.