Bali, Indonesia has long been a sought-after travel destination, but in 2021, only a select few can experience its beauty due to restrictions and limitations. Lost LeBlanc’s video, “BALI in 2021…the harsh reality,” provides insight into the challenges faced by Bali during this time. The video not only showcases the island’s breathtaking aspects but also sheds light on the harsh realities that locals and visitors have to confront. It examines the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, such as the decline in tourism and the struggles of the local economy, emphasizing the need for travelers to be informed about the current situation and support the local community.

Lost LeBlanc, the speaker, shares his experience of finally returning home to Bali after being locked out for nine months. The journey to Bali involves going through three checkpoints upon arrival, including filling out a questionnaire and providing a PCR test. The lack of tourism and economic support during the pandemic has greatly affected Bali, but the speaker is impressed by the streamlined arrival process and hygiene measures in place. He highlights his efforts, along with his friends, to support local communities through their camera strap brand and adoption of a rescue pup named Coda. Despite the challenges, the speaker appreciates the open coffee shops, restaurants, and gyms in Bali. He visits impacted villages, an orphanage, and plans to teach photography and videography to the children, reflecting on the challenges and joys of being back in Bali in 2021.

Table of Contents

Overview of Bali in 2021

Introduction to Bali as a travel destination

Bali, Indonesia has long been a desirable travel destination for people around the world. With its stunning beaches, rich culture, and friendly locals, it has captured the hearts of many tourists. However, in 2021, due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, visiting Bali has become a challenge. Travel restrictions and limitations have made it difficult for people to experience the beauty of the island.

Restrictions and limitations on visiting Bali in 2021

As a result of the pandemic, Bali has implemented strict restrictions to ensure the safety and well-being of its residents and visitors. Currently, there are no direct flights to Bali internationally, making it harder for tourists to access the island. Those who do manage to travel to Bali must go through a three-checkpoint process upon arrival, which includes filling out a questionnaire and providing a PCR test. These measures aim to control the spread of the virus and protect the local community.

The impact of the video ‘BALI in 2021..the harsh reality’

The video titled “BALI in 2021..the harsh reality” by Lost LeBlanc sheds light on the challenges faced by Bali during this time. It portrays the beauty of the island while also addressing the harsh realities that locals and visitors have to endure. Through this video, viewers gain insight into the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on Bali’s tourism industry and the struggles faced by the local economy. It emphasizes the importance of travelers being aware of the current situation in Bali and supporting the local community.

The Challenges Faced by Bali

Effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on tourism

The COVID-19 pandemic has had a devastating effect on Bali’s tourism industry. The island heavily relies on tourism as a major source of revenue and employment. With travel restrictions and limitations in place, the number of tourists visiting Bali has significantly decreased. This has led to a sharp decline in businesses, hotel closures, and job losses. The local community is facing economic hardships, and many businesses are struggling to survive.

Struggles faced by the local economy

As mentioned earlier, the local economy in Bali has been severely impacted by the decrease in tourism. Many businesses, particularly those in the tourism sector, have been forced to close their doors, resulting in job losses and financial difficulties for the locals. Small merchants, street vendors, and artisans who rely on tourism for their livelihoods have seen a significant decline in their income. These challenges have created a sense of uncertainty and hardship for the people of Bali.

Lack of international direct flights to Bali

One of the major challenges faced by Bali is the lack of international direct flights. With travel restrictions and safety concerns, airlines have reduced or suspended their flights to the island. This has made it incredibly difficult for tourists to reach Bali, further impacting the tourism industry and the local economy. The absence of direct flights poses a significant obstacle for those who wish to visit or return to the island.

The Arrival Process in Bali

Three checkpoints upon arrival

Upon arrival in Bali, visitors must go through a three-checkpoint process. The first checkpoint involves filling out a questionnaire, providing necessary information, and declaring any health symptoms or recent travel history. The second checkpoint requires presenting a negative PCR test result conducted within 72 hours before arrival. Finally, at the third checkpoint, visitors go through the standard immigration procedures. These checkpoints are in place to ensure the safety of both visitors and the local community.

Questionnaire and PCR test requirements

To enter Bali, visitors must fill out a detailed questionnaire that covers personal information, recent travel history, and health conditions. This questionnaire helps authorities assess the potential risk of COVID-19 transmission. Additionally, visitors must provide a negative PCR test result conducted within a specific time frame before their arrival. These requirements aim to control the spread of the virus and ensure the safety of both tourists and locals.

Impressions of the streamlined process and hygiene measures

Upon arrival, many travelers have found the arrival process in Bali to be streamlined and efficient. The checkpoints and procedures are well-organized, ensuring a smooth transition through the airport. Hygiene measures, such as hand sanitizing stations, temperature checks, and social distancing protocols, are diligently implemented, creating a safe environment for travelers. These measures reflect Bali’s commitment to safeguarding the well-being of its visitors.

Supporting Local Communities

Cam and Kells’ camera strap brand and support for local communities

Cam and Kells, the video creators of “BALI in 2021..the harsh reality,” have been actively involved in supporting local communities in Bali. They have started their own camera strap brand called Find Your Asri, which not only produces high-quality camera straps but also supports local communities through their craftsmanship. By purchasing their camera straps, travelers can contribute to the livelihoods of locals and help sustain the local economy.

Decision to start a family in Bali and adopting a rescue pup

The speaker in the video highlights their personal decision to start a family in Bali and adopt a rescue pup named Coda. Due to travel restrictions and uncertainties caused by the pandemic, the speaker decided to make Bali their permanent home. This choice not only symbolizes their commitment to the community but also offers an opportunity to give back and support the local animal welfare organizations.

Visiting affected villages and buying supplies to support them

As part of their efforts to support the local community, the video creators visited a village in Bali that has been heavily impacted by the lack of tourism. They bought essential supplies, such as rice, noodles, cooking oil, and eggs, from a wholesaler to help alleviate the shortage of basic necessities in the village. By purchasing locally and providing support, they aimed to make a positive impact on the livelihoods of the villagers.

Positive Aspects of Bali in 2021

Open coffee shops, restaurants, and gyms

Despite the challenges faced by Bali, there are still positive aspects to be found on the island. Many coffee shops, restaurants, and gyms remain open to cater to the local community. These establishments have implemented safety measures and hygiene protocols to ensure the well-being of their customers. The availability of these facilities provides a sense of normalcy and convenience for the residents and those who can visit Bali.

Appreciation for the available facilities

The speaker in the video expresses his appreciation for the open coffee shops, restaurants, and gyms in Bali. He acknowledges the importance of these facilities in his daily life, especially during the difficult times brought about by the pandemic. The ability to enjoy the services and amenities Bali offers serves as a reminder of how fortunate they are to be back on the island and experience a semblance of normalcy.

Visiting an orphanage and engaging in fun activities

As part of their journey in Bali, the video creators visited an orphanage and took the children on a fun outing to a water park and McDonald’s. This act of kindness brought joy and happiness to the children, allowing them to engage in activities they might not have had the opportunity to experience otherwise. The visit to the orphanage showcases the importance of creating positive experiences and supporting vulnerable communities.

Teaching and Sponsoring the Children

Plans to teach photography and videography to the orphanage children

In addition to the fun activities, the speaker expresses his plans to teach photography and videography to the children at the orphanage. By sharing his skills and knowledge, he aims to empower the children and provide them with tools for self-expression and storytelling. This educational opportunity opens up new possibilities for the children, allowing them to explore their creativity and potentially pursue careers in the field.

Hopes of finding camera sponsors for the children

To further support the children’s newfound passion for photography and videography, the speaker expresses hopes of finding camera sponsors for them. Access to quality camera equipment would enable the children to continue honing their skills and potentially turn their hobbies into meaningful careers. Finding sponsors would not only provide the children with the necessary tools but also inspire them to pursue their dreams and unlock their full potential.

Giving back to the local community and empowering the children

Through teaching and sponsoring the children, the video creators aim to give back to the local community and empower the next generation. By investing in their education and providing opportunities for personal and creative growth, they help create a brighter future for the children. The act of giving back not only benefits the individuals involved but also strengthens the community as a whole.

Reflecting on the Challenges and Gratefulness

Personal reflections on the difficulties faced

The video creator reflects on the challenges faced throughout their journey in Bali. They acknowledge the hardships caused by the pandemic, such as the lack of tourism, economic struggles, and personal uncertainties. These reflections highlight the resilience and strength exhibited by individuals and communities in the face of adversity.

Gratitude for being back in Bali

Despite the challenges, the speaker expresses deep gratitude for being back in Bali. After being locked out for nine months, the opportunity to return home is cherished. The beauty and resilience of the island, as well as the warmth and hospitality of its people, evoke a profound sense of appreciation and gratitude.

Realization of the importance of supporting the local community

Through their experiences in Bali, the video creators come to realize the importance of supporting the local community. They recognize the significant impact that even small acts of kindness and support can have on the lives of individuals and the community as a whole. This realization motivates them to continue their efforts to give back and raise awareness about the current situation in Bali.

Call to Action for Viewers

Encouragement to like the video and make a difference on YouTube

The video creators encourage viewers to engage with their content by liking and sharing the video. They emphasize the power of viewer engagement in making a difference on platforms like YouTube. By supporting their channel, viewers contribute to the awareness and promotion of Bali, as well as the support of local communities.

Acknowledgment of the impact of viewer engagement

The video creators express their gratitude for the viewers’ engagement and acknowledge the impact it can have on their cause. With increased likes, shares, and comments, the video can reach a wider audience and inspire others to take action or support Bali in some way. The acknowledgement of viewer engagement serves as a reminder of the collective effort required to make a positive impact.

Importance of spreading awareness and supporting Bali in 2021

In their call to action, the video creators emphasize the importance of spreading awareness about the current situation in Bali. They encourage viewers to share the video, engage in conversation, and support Bali in any way they can. By creating a collective effort, individuals have the power to make a significant difference and support the local community during these challenging times.


Summary of the content covered in the article

In conclusion, this comprehensive article provides an overview of Bali in 2021, highlighting the challenges faced by the island due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The article explores the impact on tourism, struggles faced by the local economy, and limitations on travel. It also delves into the arrival process in Bali and the efforts made to support local communities, including initiatives such as Find Your Asri and providing support to orphanages. The article emphasizes the positive aspects of Bali, such as the availability of coffee shops, restaurants, and gyms, and the opportunities for teaching and empowering children. It concludes with a call to action, encouraging viewers to support Bali and spread awareness about the current situation.

Closing thoughts on Bali in 2021

Despite the challenges faced, Bali remains a resilient and beautiful destination. The spirit of Balinese culture, the warmth of its people, and the stunning landscapes continue to captivate visitors and locals alike. While the pandemic has brought about difficult times, there is hope for a brighter future and a sense of unity in supporting Bali and its local communities.

Final call to action and encouragement to support Bali

The article ends with a final call to action, urging readers to support Bali in any way they can. Whether through sharing the article or video, donating to local initiatives, or planning a future trip to the island, every effort counts. By coming together as a global community, we can help Bali overcome its challenges and ensure a sustainable future for this beloved travel destination.