In “From Dates to Shows to Travels: My Life Enjoying Activities,” the author discusses various assumptions made about themselves. They address being in a frat during university, their preference for simple food like chicken fingers and fries, their love for activities such as dating, watching shows, and traveling, and their close relationship with family. They also mention being a YouTuber, valuing productivity and hating being unproductive, prioritizing saving money and investing in the future, and being in a happy relationship. The author responds to assumptions made in a video titled “Assumptions about ME – GETTING HOT IN HERE” by Lost LeBlanc.

The author starts by expressing their appreciation for the opportunity to address assumptions and get to know their followers better. They mention their preference for simple food and their hatred for being unproductive. They discuss their experiences in a frat during university and clarify that they are not rich, having worked multiple jobs to support themselves. They also mention their upcoming travel video and their love for a balance between luxury and budget travel. The author’s sense of humor shines through as they navigate through the assumptions and reveal facets of their life, including their nerdy past, their love for their partner, and their commitment to productivity and personal growth.

Personal Background

Upbringing and Family

You had a wonderful childhood surrounded by a loving family. Your parents and younger brother were always there to support you and create memorable experiences together. Growing up in a middle-class family, your parents worked hard to provide for you, and their perseverance and dedication left a lasting impression on you.

Childhood Habits and Preferences

As a child, you had some interesting habits and preferences. One of the most notable was your love for drinking milk. You used to enjoy a chilled pint of milk in the morning, but now the thought of it doesn’t quite appeal to you. You also had a simple taste in food, preferring dishes like chicken fingers and fries over extravagant meals like lobster and caviar.

Education and Social Life

During your school years, you were known as a bit of a nerd. In elementary school, coming from an all-French program, you found yourself ahead of your classmates in terms of knowledge and skills. This sometimes made it difficult for you to fit in, but your sense of humor helped bridge the gap. In high school, you still maintained your nerdy side while trying to keep a cool and relatable image.

Career as a YouTuber

Your journey as a YouTuber started out of a passion for travel. You decided to document your adventures and share them with the world. Over time, your channel grew, and you found success in creating travel content. Being a YouTuber also meant that you had to work hard to make money and support yourself financially. However, it was a career that allowed you to pursue your passion and share it with others.

Traveling Adventures

Love for Traveling

Traveling has always been a significant part of your life. The thrill of discovering new places, experiencing different cultures, and immersing yourself in breathtaking landscapes has always captivated you. From the moment you set foot in a new destination, you feel a sense of excitement and adventure that fuels your desire to explore more.

Preference for Luxury and Budget Travel

When it comes to traveling, you prefer to strike a balance between luxury and budget experiences. While luxury travel has its perks, such as comfortable accommodations and convenience, you also appreciate the authenticity and rawness of budget travel. Both offer different perspectives on a destination, and you believe that experiencing both sides is essential for a well-rounded travel experience.

Favorite Travel Destinations

Throughout your travels, you have come across numerous stunning destinations that have left a lasting impression on you. From the turquoise waters of the Maldives to the lush landscapes of Bali, each place has its unique charm. However, if you had to pick a favorite, it would be difficult to choose just one. Every destination holds special memories and offers something extraordinary.

Impacts of Traveling on Personal Life

Traveling has had a profound impact on your personal life. Not only has it allowed you to grow as an individual, but it has also provided you with countless opportunities to forge meaningful connections and friendships along the way. The experiences and lessons learned through travel have shaped your perspective on life and helped you appreciate the beauty of the world.

Enjoying Leisure Activities

Going on Dates

Going on dates is one of the activities you enjoy most. Whether it’s a romantic dinner, a movie night, or simply exploring a new place together, you value the quality time spent with your partner. It allows you to relax, unwind, and create cherished memories that deepen your bond.

Watching Shows

As someone who appreciates a good sense of humor, watching shows that make you laugh is always a favorite pastime. Whether it’s a comedy series, stand-up special, or even a funny movie, you find joy in sharing a good laugh with others. It’s a great way to unwind and let go of the stresses of everyday life.

Exploring New Hobbies

You have a curious nature and enjoy exploring new hobbies whenever you have the opportunity. Whether it’s picking up a musical instrument, practicing a new sport, or trying your hand at a creative endeavor, you find fulfillment in constantly learning and challenging yourself. Exploring new hobbies also allows you to discover hidden talents and passions that you may not have known existed.

Maintaining Balance in Activities

While you enjoy various leisure activities, you understand the importance of maintaining a balance. It’s essential to prioritize self-care and ensure that you’re not overdoing it or neglecting other aspects of your life. By finding the right equilibrium between work, leisure, and personal time, you can live a fulfilling and well-rounded life.

Perspectives on Money

Prioritizing Saving and Investing

Money management has always been important to you, and you prioritize saving and investing in your future. Being financially responsible allows you to have a stable foundation and work towards your long-term goals. By setting aside a portion of your income and making wise investment decisions, you ensure that you have a secure financial future.

Working Various Jobs

Being a YouTuber doesn’t mean you limit yourself to one source of income. You have worked various jobs to support yourself throughout your career. This diversified approach allows you to explore different opportunities, gain new skills, and ensure a stable income. It also provides you with a broader perspective on the business world and helps you grow both personally and professionally.

Being Financially Independent

As someone who values independence, being financially self-sufficient is essential to you. You take pride in being able to support yourself and not rely on others for financial stability. This independence gives you the freedom to make your own decisions and live life on your own terms.

Addressing Assumptions about Wealth

Despite your success as a YouTuber, some may assume that you are incredibly wealthy. However, you want to address this assumption and clarify that you come from a middle-class background. While you have worked hard to build your career and generate income through your business, you are not “rich” in the traditional sense. It’s important to highlight the dedication and effort you put into your work rather than focusing solely on financial aspects.

Sense of Humor and Social Life

Being Considered a Nerd in School

During your school years, you were considered a bit of a nerd. Your love for learning and intellectual pursuits set you apart from others. While this may have made it challenging to fit in at times, your sense of humor and ability to make people laugh helped you form strong relationships and navigate social situations with ease.

Sense of Humor and Comedy

Your sense of humor has always been a defining aspect of your personality. You enjoy making people laugh and find joy in bringing happiness to others. Whether it’s through your YouTube videos or interactions with friends and family, your comedic side shines through, creating a light-hearted and enjoyable atmosphere.

Building Strong Relationships

Throughout your life, you have always valued building strong relationships. From your close bond with family to your friendships that have stood the test of time, you understand the importance of having a support system. These relationships are built on trust, honesty, and shared experiences, which contribute to the overall happiness and fulfillment in your life.

Relationship with Current Partner

You are currently in a happy and fulfilling relationship with your partner, Kathy. The two of you share a deep connection and make each other incredibly happy. Through your travels and adventures together, you have formed an unbreakable bond built on trust, love, and shared experiences. Kathy is an important part of your life, and you cherish the moments spent together.


Recap of the Enjoyed Activities

In summary, you have shared your personal background, including your upbringing, childhood habits, and education. As a YouTuber, you have a love for travel, enjoy various leisure activities, have perspectives on money management, and value your sense of humor and social life.

Message to Viewers

Through your video, you wanted to address assumptions made about you and provide your viewers with a glimpse into your personal life. You hope that by sharing your experiences and perspective, you can foster a deeper connection with your audience and show them a different side of you beyond what is seen on social media.

Future Plans and Excitements

Looking ahead, you are excited about the future and the endless possibilities it holds. You have plans to continue creating travel content, exploring new destinations, and sharing your experiences with your viewers. You value the support and love you receive from your audience, and it motivates you to push yourself further and continue pursuing your passion.

In conclusion, your personal background, love for travel, enjoyment of leisure activities, perspectives on money, sense of humor, and strong relationships all contribute to the unique individual that you are. You appreciate the opportunities and experiences that life has brought your way, and you’re excited to continue sharing your journey with your viewers. So stay tuned for more exciting adventures and captivating content from your favorite YouTuber, Lost LeBlanc!