Living in Smoke and Fire: Life Inside a Volcano is a fascinating video by Lost LeBlanc that takes us deep into the challenging lives of miners working near volcanoes in Indonesia. The video showcases the physical demands and hostile environment these courageous individuals face as they hike up volcanoes and collect sulfur, which is used for various purposes including bleaching sugar. Through the narrator’s admiration and respect for these miners, the video sheds light on the sacrifices and hard work made by others, while also promoting a clothing brand that the narrator wears during their travels. The video ends with a call to subscribe for more content from Bali, leaving viewers intrigued to discover more about the difficult and dangerous lives of these miners.

Living in Smoke and Fire: Life Inside a Volcano


Welcome to the mesmerizing world inside a volcano. In this article, we will delve into the lives of courageous individuals who work in the mines near volcanoes in Indonesia. These brave miners endure physically demanding jobs in a hostile environment to provide for their families and make a living. We will explore the challenges they face, the importance of appreciating their hard work, and how we can give back to these communities. So sit back, relax, and join us on this incredible journey into the depths of living in smoke and fire.

Background Information

Indonesia, with its vast number of islands (17,508 to be exact) and a population of nearly 300 million, is a country filled with diversity and natural wonders. However, living conditions in the countryside can be challenging, with the average income being as low as $75 a month. For many Indonesians, it becomes a struggle to afford basic necessities and provide for their families. But there is a choice, albeit a difficult one, that some courageous men make to earn higher wages – working in the mines near active volcanoes.

Living Conditions Near Volcanoes in Indonesia

Living near volcanoes presents its own unique set of challenges. The constant threat of volcanic eruptions keeps the locals on their toes, but it also affects their everyday lives. The air is often filled with smoke and the pungent smell of sulfur, making it difficult to breathe and causing discomfort. The living conditions can be harsh, with limited access to basic amenities and infrastructure. Despite these challenges, the locals find a way to adapt and make the most of what they have.

Mining Jobs Near Volcanoes

One of the main reasons why some individuals choose to work near volcanoes is the potential for higher wages. While the average Indonesian in the countryside may only make $75 a month, working in the mines can offer an opportunity to earn 15 to 20 dollars a day, potentially tripling or even quadrupling their income. However, this choice comes at a significant cost – the miners’ physical well-being and health.

Collecting Sulfur: a Physically Demanding Job

The work of these miners revolves around collecting sulfur, a valuable resource found within volcanic craters. The process involves hiking for hours up treacherous paths to reach the crater’s summit, carrying heavy loads of sulfur on their backs, and enduring the intense heat and noxious fumes. It is a physically demanding job that requires immense strength, stamina, and resilience.

Uses of Sulfur

Sulfur, despite its pungent smell and association with volcanoes, has various practical applications. One of the main uses is in the sugar industry, where sulfur is used to bleach sugar white. It is also utilized in the production of fertilizers, rubber, and detergents. Furthermore, sulfur has medicinal properties and is used in certain treatments. Without the hard work of these miners, many industries would struggle to meet their demands.

Indonesia’s Volcanic Activity

Indonesia’s location on a plate boundary makes it prone to volcanic activity. As tectonic plates collide or move apart, magma is pushed to the surface, creating numerous volcanoes. Indonesia has more volcanoes than any other country on Earth. This geological phenomenon provides both challenges and opportunities for the local communities.

The Difficult and Dangerous Lives of Miners

For the miners who brave the treacherous paths and endure the harsh conditions, every day is a battle. They face the constant threat of volcanic eruptions, landslides, and collapsing paths. The heavy loads they carry on their backs take a toll on their bodies, leading to physical pain and long-term health consequences. These men push themselves to their limits, sacrificing their own well-being for the sake of providing for their families.

Appreciating the Hard Work and Sacrifices

It is crucial to appreciate the hard work and sacrifices made by these miners. Their dedication and determination in the face of adversity deserve our admiration and respect. Their commitment to their families and making a living highlight the strength of the human spirit. By understanding their struggles, we develop empathy and gain a newfound perspective on our own lives.

Promotion of a Clothing Brand

As we explore the challenges faced by these miners, it is worth mentioning that the narrator promotes a clothing brand throughout the video. The clothing brand, Cuts Clothing, provides comfortable and durable apparel for travelers. This promotion serves as a reminder that supporting ethical and sustainable brands can have a positive impact on communities.

The Narrator’s Experience Trying to Carry a Heavy Load

In an attempt to understand the physical demands faced by these miners, the narrator attempts to carry a heavy load of sulfur. However, the weight becomes overwhelming, and the narrator struggles to bear the burden. This experience gives the narrator a deeper appreciation for the strength and endurance of the miners.

Admiration and Respect for Miners

Through witnessing the difficulties faced by the miners and experiencing the physical pain firsthand, the narrator expresses admiration and respect for these hardworking individuals. Their resilience and determination serve as an inspiration to all, reminding us of the importance of perseverance and never giving up, even in the face of adversity.

Giving Back to the Community

To show appreciation for the miners and their sacrifices, the narrator plans to give back to the community. For every like on the video, a certain amount will be donated to support the local communities and improve living conditions. This act of giving serves as a reminder of how we can collectively make a positive impact on the lives of others.

Collaboration with Johnny Harris

The video also mentions a collaboration with Johnny Harris, who has done extensive research on the volcanic activity in Indonesia. The collaboration provides a more in-depth understanding of the region’s geological phenomena and sheds light on the reasons behind the existence of these mining jobs near volcanoes.


In conclusion, living inside a volcano is an experience few can fathom. The miners who choose this path endure physically demanding jobs, breathe in sulfuric fumes, and face the constant threat of volcanic activity. Their sacrifices are immense, yet their determination to provide for their families and make a living is unwavering. By appreciating their hard work, supporting ethical brands, and giving back to the community, we can acknowledge their contribution and collectively work towards improving their lives. So let us open our hearts, open our minds, and open our wallets to the incredible miners who live in smoke and fire.